viernes, 2 de junio de 2023



What Is Didactic Teaching? (Plus How It's Different From Pedagogy) |

Welcome to the last entry of english didactics 1

Well as all we know that is the last activity that we made is demonstrations, it was about showing some examples or you are ilustrating of what are you talking about, here are some images of all the presentations and i will analice with my words each topic.

Here are some images that im goint to present, this are all the demonstration that began the last class and here im presenting the first listening group.

1. Listening

This group worked in two activities, the first one was a listening test. They shared us a listening test, it was a 1 minute audio while listening and answers the questions. They played Twenty One Pilots song and they scrambled the lyrics of that song that we have been listened putting the in the correct order as soon as we pay attention. When the activities include the music, thats my favorite because I feel relaxed and I get very excited to hear what the music said.


2. Speaking

This activity was very fun, we did a Spelling Bee and thats remind me when I play to spell words when I was a children since I was studying in the college. Some words are easily to spell since others are very difficult and very complicate and it has the easiest way to spell a wrong letter that its part of making mistakes. Mr Olrlando suggested us to create a story of how to approach to be ready to defend something that we like to do, we must to kept going when the other were stopped, so this is very interesting because you get a lot of emotions when you are participating, so this is not to be afraid and lets take account when the teachers encourage to introvert students since we developed the speaking skills.

These are the examples of the games that they are playing.
3. Reading

This was my group, and we prepared a reading about cyber security, I was passing the pages of that activities to my partners, some questions are to answering True or False and we ended searching the words that are related to the reading. I handed an alphabeth soup to some groups and thats was very easy to share and work hard too. This aim was definitely about students with advenced level I know that not all of them like reading, so we must take always importance to include many Reading Skills to develop them easily. We feel very cool participating here and we shared them these reading for been better.

Everybody was feeling interesting on the reading, that is a good example to follow.

This is what I handed to my partners, i will never forget because it was very interesting working with this, the alphabet soup help the students to have a fresh mind.

4. Writing.

This group had wrote an invitation letter, the made a formal letter and they give some parts that they had explained before. The teacher mentioned this activity in the class and he gave us and idea to how to provide an outline and an essay, a movie review an e-mail or a letter, this activity was about following an specific format, writing its very supported to have an easiest way to write fast or quickly, so I really understand that they considered that its their favorite topic.

5. Listening

This group handed some copies to each of us to read since they are playing the song Dark Horse from Katy Perry, it was specifically the rap verse. So we added some words that we have listened in the song, the only mistake was that we are confusing some words but the group take off our doubts and they were showing all the words on the board, the total was about 13 words and there were a few that werent mentioned.

The other activity that they made was about the Telephone game, and we enjoyed that game and I know that many kids like them too, the game was about the first person reading a sentence and they must whisper from the next person. The total was of 10 people in each group and the longest group got twisted. So this game means that Im agree with all and the teacher was feeling good and was agree that the students must get so much fun while they learn more, so anybody weren't disagree so it was a pleasure playing this game becuase we got a great emotion, so they made an excellent job and thats some of the things that i will never going to forget.

6. Speaking

These group made questions about the "Controversial" topics and some of them answered there questions and discuss with them, all this group were using a purple light shirt and that means that they had a good presentation, so I just listened the opinion of the other classmates and all was very ineteresting what they said.

7. Reading.

This is one of the best groups that worked very hard and I feel agree when the first reading that they shared was very easy to understand or comprenhend, and the second reading had more compex vocabulary, both levels were included. Many people answered question after the reading because they had many doubts, and they prepared a game with many choice questions that were related to the reading and both readings were interesting so I agree with both of them, but my favorite was about the Great Summer Vacation.

8. Writing.

This was the last group, they prepared two different activities too, both I liked, they just gave us an indication to start to write a letter, i didnt have the photos but I have my opinion to say that there were a healthy game and its just to put our name. They provide some categories about the nickname and animals, so it was about creating a story, thats all that a just know about the last group, the they show an excellent category.

Well thats all for this topic and now Im going to say with my words that it was nice to be here sharing with you and all the aims were interesting knowing about them and we can learn more to make the things better, lets always practice them beacuse we must try to do the best of all those activities, we can give an example to others and the others feel them easily to follow our examples of overpass all that we have, it was unforgetable all what we have seen in the last period and last topic of didactic 1, so i always have recomended to keep practicing a lot in my free times in the case that im feeling board for working my mind too, we can practice al lot and get ready for the English Didactics 2, they are coming other topics too, so lets get ready and dont forget to learn to speak, read, write and listening, does 4 stepts were the most interesting exercises to practice them because we can show that we are trying to be a good workers in our future and in our future company that will be an example to follow and it can be useful to have excellent ideas, so thanks .

See you soon Mr, enjoy your vacations and I will back the next month. Thank you, goodbye.