lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 6 - Period 2

 Hello everyone, in this blog im going to analice the presentaions about the groups 3 and 4.

This is the group number 3 and its the first of the class, they greeted and spelled all the verb to be in the affrimative form.

The class began about the group giving to the students a tag name and sign in all the attendance that can be usually for the class, so the class was introduced by them and they started to teach.

It was very fun how they participated, they started to play a game named as the "Hot Potato"
to Chayanne's Hot Potato game". It calls like that becuase when they played the game, they done it with Chayanne song named "Bullfighter"

They spelled al the vocal letters and pronounced how it reads, so its also near to read the lyrics in spanish for the tone that they used to pronounce the name of the alphabet.

My point of view about this class its that it was the best becuase I admire all the good class and we see how they teached and played, its beacuse they focus one of Chayanne songs on the Hot Potato game, so i feel agree with that because I consider that Chayanne its one of my favorites singer and I never forget listening his songs, but returning to the topic for that same reason I consider it was the best.

The Group number 4 talked about Greetings and spelling personal information focused on reading.

They made lessons and they feel complicated in the concentrations but the good way was that we could understand what is about, so they started with a dialogue from scratch for the class material and they started to use at the begining of the activity, so I suspect that the level was high and they did it great so theres any mistakes on the debates and sure they get little mistakes naturally and we feel agree about that.

Finally the invited students won some candies after they participated and there were a snack that they won, so in my group we will see which will be the gift to the invited student after their participations.

Well thats all for this blog and I will end saying that it was nice to listen all the games and presentations. See you on the next presentation.

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 5 - Period 2

 Hello everynone, welcome back again!

In this week I started to listen the firsts presentation about some conferences from didactics, they were preparing some debates for an expositions and they started to show on a screen the presentation with the aim and some examples of each activity and it seems very funny,there were many people who were invited to participate in the debate and I observed that they were intelligents like us and I feel it will be nice to take them in all the debate that which of us we are making for the presentation.

We have listened that the first topic was The Alphabet, this topic is basically for all the people that know English very well and feel easy to teach the other, it was brilliant for me listening this and I feel agree with them, it was a pleasure too.

The invited students were participating talking about the personal information, it was about the name, the age and hobbies. It was very fun listening to them beacuse they did it brilliant and all was good, only my friend was missing beacuse he couldnt arrive but the next debates will be maybe.

The second group did it brilliant too, the talk about the verb TO BE, I feel nice listening to them and thats gave me some ideas to still studying all the verbs that we need to practice and actually we dont disagree in anything, we all understood.

Well in this blog I forgot to take them pictures to all the debate but I will take it in the next one, see you soon.

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Period 2 - Feedback and group planning

 Hi there, well in this week i dont have so much to talk because we didnt have classes, but we discussed a few about the previous class and we organized the groups of 4 from distribuite the topics, so we order the groups from 4 students and others were organized of 5 students. We discuss about the real interesting things about the class, so in this day Mr Orlando gave us our feedback of each group to see our grades.

Im the group number 6 and I feel it will be nice to work with Josue and Victor, we are coordinating to defend one new and despite our odds and try to make agree our presentation and participation, for other way we are planning to take some friends who speak english to make a conference.

Finally we receive the grades, the teacher tell us a lot how we defend and we gave some points of view how we worked and he send us some mistakes that we made and I accept that not everything was write but I hope we prepare more and we are feeling better in each class that we have, here is the picture of what the Mr tell about Rodrigo and me.

Thats all for today, see you in the next blog.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023

PDP (Pre-During-Post)

 Hey, welcome back again

In this we we started to know about the PDP method, as all we know its just used for receptive skills. It helps ensure students to been motivated, engaged and active before, while and after. Some elements in the PDP are the passages that each students are using whatever is an audio or some reading text that they read.

The three stages are: Pre, During and Post.

For the Pre, the teacher can come up with an activity to introduce the topic. For example Mr Orlando told us about the Holistic Medicine passage, he gave us related to the Holistic Medicine passage mentioning it like an aromatherapy as an activity suring that it can be right. There are two reasons:Activate the shermata, it means that most of the students must be on the same page and also studying the key vocabulary for teaching and practicing. Any student musnt been helped with the practice without noticing.

For the During, the students are working individually, but sometimes they are in pairs and they share all the class any questions that the teacher is asking to them, the important is learning more working on our own and socialize the answers of each questions. The next step is that the students are going to give the answers of all the questions and they are going to analice and give more details of what the understand since they were reading, finally they will read it more and more since they feel its possible.

 For the Post, its extra everything that happens in this stage, its after we fulfilled the lesson of the During that was previous stage, in this stage the students can organice what to say what they have learn and they will wrap up what just they feel important to learn.

This is what he was showing to us, its all about the Holistic Medicine

The last week the teacher show us a whole new lesson plan like and example of one imaginary class and he did it naturally with a few time, it just was some ideas of each activity that we can do it hard and also making some materials at the same time starting with zero and asking interesting questions that were related to the Holistic Medicine passage and I am agree in all those activities and the aims are interesting to defend them.

Well thats all about this, see you next time, bye Mr.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

Grammar and vocabulary classes

 Hello, welcome back again this was the last class that we receive of the 1rst Period, so the time went quickly and now we are in the second period, but in this blog im going to talk about the lesson planning about how we can teach in English.

1. Hospital Vocabulary:

They have teached about medical vocabulary, I feel agree listen that topic beacuse I found only 2 words that I coudn't remind the meaning so it was my oportunity to see the answers, learned many phrasal verb, and all of them have many different meanings about illness. So I answered how I remind them and I accert all the answers.

2. Grammar: Third Conditional

Well this is my group and we explained them something about the Third Conditional, I made the closing but it was a pleasure being part of explaining this topic, it was about some changes of every different situations, here are some structures:

So its the ability to give expression about hypothetical situations in the past and their outcomes. We know that allow us to explore alternative possibilities and reflect on the consequences of different actions or choices, it used to express the past consequences of some situations that happened in the pass. For example: If they practice more they are going to get prepare and work very good and harder and get a good grade.

This topic will be recomend to practice every time that will be neccesary becuase it can be avoid to have difficulties if somebody ask that, we answer with many difficulties.

3. Cooking Vocabulary

This was the best topic that I listened about because its about food and Im interesting talking about eating healthy and other more details about the food, I enjoy cooking too. So we listened that they said the Culinary is about the field of cooking and preparing the food, the following goals to cook are the next terms like ingredients, cooking techniques, tools, flavors and more. Its helping to understand recipes, following instructions and all the culinary concepts with others. So it was a pleasure listen to them talking about the food and thats another point of view to take it like a good idea to talk and maybe it will be interesting talking about the healthy diet too.

4. Second Conditional:

Well, this was the last group and they did a brilliant techinique and amazing job teaching grammar, so we understand that the second conditional is used for imagination, impossible or unrealistic situations. It is formed with the structure "If + simple past, would + based form verb". For example, "If I won the lottery, I would be excited and I will celebrated with my siblings". It allows to imagine different outcomes and many possibilities in which is based on the unlikely conditions.

Those are the examples of the verbs.

They were making the sentences.

The last activity was a consequency chain of using second conditional and finally we end the sentence with the first clause the previous student said. The best part of that class was that all we receive as a gift the chocolate candy called Nucita as thanking about how we were participating.

I enjoyed all this classes and my goal is lerning more for being better, thanks a lot and see you the next class.