Previous computer vs Current
A computer is a machine that can be instructed to
carry out the sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via
computer programming. Is the most interesting machine to work and is the
easiest thing to save your information’s that you searched. The people thinks that is a little easier to use it because it has to used it to work and they thing they find the information inmediately.
They are used like a control systems for a wide
variety of industrial and consumer devices. They have always active to take information’s
and to have many systems. All the systems that has the computer is used to know
all the technologies that we are driving on it and you are knowing all the techniques
that is studying the human of the computers. The current computers are called laptop. There
are better than the previous one because are easier to do all the thing that
you need to do. Because you get a big entertainment, you can do all that you could not done it in the other computers.
The old computers and the current computers have
served to the people to get a job and when they are working physically they
usually need them to write on the documents that its served to change all the
information that are investigated, if you make a mistake to write you can use
your mouse and click on the right and you choose the original word that is the
correct one, you feel that you don’t have the save problem when you are writing
on a paper with pen or pencil.
On of the disavantages of the old computers is about all the difficulties that the people feel using it and they wrote on the documents a lot and not so fast, they feel that are writting in a writting-machine and they feel that they never finished. It delays 3 hours to write because they copy the information of the books they were reading and that was the unit option that they had because the internet wasnt exist and it was more difficult the things for that reason.
On of the disavantages of the old computers is about all the difficulties that the people feel using it and they wrote on the documents a lot and not so fast, they feel that are writting in a writting-machine and they feel that they never finished. It delays 3 hours to write because they copy the information of the books they were reading and that was the unit option that they had because the internet wasnt exist and it was more difficult the things for that reason.
The big advantages that you can have with the current
computers are easier than the other computers, the unit same thing is that you
always have mouse and do your works on the documents. You dont have nothing to lose because you always investigate on wikipedia pages or others that had the information about the aim that its searching. But other reasons that
you need to use it is that you send your works to other persons on social
networks and you can call them to say that the work was finished. They have
spaces to connect the UsB.
The unit thing that is easy in the previous computers
is that when you are doing some homework you are making in Word that is one
document that you use for save some information that you have done. In those
computer the persons saved information’s on books and with the books they
copied the most relevant that they know on the book and magazines too when they
search examples, but they don’t saved the work on the USB, they saved on the
local disk that it calls CD room, you cannot put anything on that computers
like a cellphones, tablets or USB. You only use the mouse.
The methods that the computer has is that it can use for classes too,
because there are classes of computers too and the masters are explaining all
the programs to tell in what consist every program and what technologies and technique’s
has all of them. They can served to pass the information work on the cellphones
and the tablets too, because they have the same programs that has the
Jean-Raymound Abrial was the scientist that create the
program on the computer like an Oxford University Department of Computer
Science, during his time at the Programming Research Group, in case of his
career that he was an independent consultant as much he have worked with and
industry as an academy he create that program to the computers to served to
work online on it and is like a platform too, he was a Professor at ETH Zurich
in Switzerland.
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