jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2020

Universities Titles


University of EL Salvador


Flor de María Hernández Tejada

After completing the studies an exams and fulfilling the other requirements established by the laws and regulations of the institution, she has obtained the degree of:

Doctor of Medicine

In a ceremony held today at 9:00 a.m. in the University City, and in the same ceremony has sworn to honor in all circumstances the University with the strict fulfillment of the duties imposed on her by its academic investment.

Therefore:          Confers on:

                        Flor de María Hernández Tejada

With all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto the present degree of:

                                               Doctor of Medicine

From this University.

                        Given at the city of San Salvador, capital of the Republic of El Salvador, on the twenty-ninth day of April of two thousand nine.


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Línea de firma de Microsoft Office...      Línea de firma de Microsoft Office...

Cuadro de texto: Stamp:
-San Salvador , El Salvador
                               University of El Salvador


Flor de María Hernández Tejada

After completing the studies and examinations and fulfilling the other requirements established by the laws and regulations of the institution, she has obtained the degree of:

                                                                       Pediatric Specialist

In a ceremony held today at 4: 00 p.m. in the University City, and in the same ceremony has swore to honor in all circumstances the University with the strict  fulfilment of the duries imposed on her by its academic bestowing.

Therefore:     Confers on:

               Flor de María Hernández Tejada

With all the rights and privileges appertaining thereo the present

 Degree of:

                       Pediatric Specialist

From this University.

               Given as the city of San Salvador, capital of the Republic of El Salvador, on the sixth day of December of two thousand thirteen.


Línea de firma de Microsoft Office...                                     Línea de firma de Microsoft Office...

Línea de firma de Microsoft Office...                                 

Línea de firma de Microsoft Office... 

 Universidad Evangelica de El Salvador

Traducción Legal

Joaquín Alejandro Granados Borja

I have translated this certificate with my ideas and I create the signs in the same document where I have worked.

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