lunes, 17 de julio de 2023

Blog 1 period 1 of Didactic ll

 Hello, welcome back again, i understand that learning this will help us to been excellent and to help others that they cant but they are interesting to know about that, so its about our dream to be a professional.

At the first class of didactic ll, the lic. Orlando gave us some evaluation to do it but our own, so it doesnt be evaluated because there are topics that we worked on the previous cycle, so it was of didactic l, so we just making it alone for taking the proove how we are intelligent and which experiences we are having from all the next periods.

But other thing that I can tell is that im happy because this is the last cycle of my career and I will finish all what I have done in all those years in the university, so I have another relevant thing to say is that Mr Orlando told us to invite a friend that know english but not an advanced english, so im agree with that and it can be a nice work beacuse it has a great emotion and its other thing that its interesting and we are going to do many different other works too.

This was the evaluation and i didnt finished but we are defending all the exercises with the lic. Orlando, we listen to him that we will have works on group and that evaluation will be a good step to follow and maybe taking accont all the previous topics, so I just recomend to been prepare a lot and we will get good grades in all these works that we are going to do.

Well thats all for this class, see you the next one and it is nice working here. Goodbye


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