miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020


 The table of the certificate birth was undersigned, I made the translation manuallybecauseIjust wrote in Englishwhat it was said in Spanish and Iknew how to put with my proper hands making thetable of the Mexican Certificate Birthand Ihave translated literal and manually from Spanish to English for what is about the information. 
I accurate the table of this translation and Iwas looking how was the table of the certificate and Iuse the eraser to delete the files and the columns that Idont need and Iwas looking how it was done and following the form Ihave done the table, Iworked on the original and official document. I finished on October28th; 2020in San Salvador. 
Interpreted and translated by:JoaquinAlejandro Granados Borja 

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