viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

Migratory Autorization

In the city of Antiguo Cuscatlán department of La Libertad at the thirteen hours of the day October twenty six of two thousand nineteen BEFORE ME,BLANCA ESTELA GUTIERREZ TEJADA , Notary of these residence, appears the sir RENÉ ALBERTO NOCHEZ of thirty two years old, CIVIL ENGINEER of this residence, from who don’t know but I identify through Unique Identity Document number zero four eight two threetwo two zero one with a venzing date January twenty of two thousand twenty one and SAY ME: that as it is verified with the Certification of the Birth Certificate that took the Municipal Mayor's Office of the city of Antiguo Cuscatlán department of La Libertad in the year two thousand fourteen send it in October twenty of the year two thousand nineteen is the father of the girl GABRIELA ESTEFANÍA NOCHEZ of six years old, student and the residence of this city; bearer of her Ordinary Passport number zero two two five nine zero five five zero that is venzing on June 15 of two thousand twenty five. That through the present Affidavit conceits AUTORIZATION, so that your daughter GABRIELA ESTEFANÍA NOCHEZ of the generals before expressing and bearer of her passport before related it, can leave the country ACCOMPANIEDof CLAUDY MARITZA DE NOCHEZ of thirty years old, employment of this residence, who is bearer of her Unique Identity Document, number zero four eight two three two two zero one with venzing date on November fourteen of two thousand twenty five and who is her MOTHER, with the destination at THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, place where belong for one period 17 days through the exit date. That’s how it ́s expressed the appearing from who I explained the legal effects of the Affidavit that consists of one useful page and read that I had all wrote in a single act without interruption, it manifest me that is redacted conforming at your will, ratify its content and sign with me for the record. AFF ALL I GIVE FAITH.



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