martes, 3 de octubre de 2023

Dr. Nelson López Rojas conference

 Hi, welcome back again, in this blog Im going to analice how I passed in the conference talked by Dr. Nelson López Rojas.

The last week we were in the celebration about The Translators and Interpreter, and I have seen many different activities that calls me the attention to do and teach to others how to work on it, so I was agree listening something new to know and this day Daniela and Nathaly where interpretating what the Dr Nelson was defending, but talking more details about that day, I ate a good snack and all it was right when Mr Nelson was foccusing the presentations about some kinds of translation and many of them I used to known it before.

Other topics that he talked were more interesting to know, he was explaining about the introduction of the lectures and when how it can be the plans to translate it, many students had participated and he gave us one piece of paper to write some questions, and I asked the difference about the literal translation with the natural translation since the others made other different questions related about the translation. He explained the process of all his greatest translations that he made, it was very interesting to me and I liked it beacuse I think I will work on a company where they can suggest me to do similar things of what he has done, surely it will be useful to me in every different activities about the translation and interpretation.

For example, Tales of Clay wrote it by Salarrué is the most known poem in El Salvador and it was characterized by many specific words, he told us how he translated it, he take it in English to translate it into a Standard Spanish, he decode all that the author meant with many different specific words.

It was a pleasure to me stay in Mr. Nelson´s conference, since other students where seing him by zoom, but I prefered staying there presential, it was very interesting to me because Mr Nelson was my teacher before, he teached me to work on quia when we do the quiz, he teached me to participate filming in many other programs like the vocaroo when we film our voice what opinions we are giving, he was my teacher in the subject name called North American History and I made one debate on zoom and I invited some friend and all was right, we talked about The Americans, The Quaker and many more things, also we commented in some youtube videos giving some opinions about what I could understand and what calls me the attention about the topic of the video, so thats all what I did with him and I consider that it was my favorite meaning where I stay present and surely many of the other students enjoy it too, we feel agree staying in this conference.

Finally, I used to go up the classroom to see the debates of the group 5 and 6, I listened the last part of that because we I approached to stay in the conference of the master Nelson Lopez, I took some pictures about that too but in this blog I just prefer focussing the conference because it was my favorite and its an homage of reminding that he was my teacher before and I feel nice being his student and I got excellents grades with him usually, I always considered him a good teacher and he grade as fair as it belongs.

Thats all for all, see you on the next one, it will be about my debate because in this week im going to defend and I have the faith that all be right, thanks. Goodbye.

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