domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2023

Group 7 and 8 (Last class)

Hello everyone, this was the last class of didactic 2, we listened the last 2 groups and it was the day of the clausure too. I feel that I did many experiences and I learn more, it was nice to work as a Teacher.

Group 7

They defend the strategies to the correct manage to use some words that sound the same but they are speling difference and we are using different termns that we often give to them.

First we listen the audio of writing each word that we listen, we listen different things and some examples of 3 things that its easy to found commonly in some places like a coffee shop, a park, a restaurant for example.

The last group

They gave some certain objects of common use in the classroom or what we can find in the classroom, all the things that we have been participate in all the thursdays and we gave them a recognition for their presence in every class.

At the end of the afternoon we took a picture for the memory of what was about this signature and that was the final class of my career.

Well, I feel nice to stay here and I will always remind this clases because they were very fun and I learned a lot on this signature, it was nice to have Mr Orlando as my teacher because he was one of the best teacher that I had, he has a brillant rubric, and excellent educator and a good example to follow, he is very kind and he will always reminded by me with a lot of emphaty. See you soon Mr Orlando, you will always be one of my favorite teacher. Goodbye.

martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

Group 5 and 6

Hello, welcome back again, this week we teached the group 5 and 6. It was a time for my group 2, we had a great presentation, so lets begin to analize it.

Group 5

This group was started the warm-up by Miriam with the dynamic activity using some "knots". The students engaged with the teachers and we create this confident environment, in the case I was participating as other student of them. It was a pleasure to me being part of the students who were participated with the others and the game was about the time of the clocks, so they focused the hours and minutes, so we practiced with other classmates talking about the time and we ask to the other: what time is it ? Marie was asking us to check down our desks and she put in all our desks a piece of paper that was taped. It has some questions and we also answered what we have seen in the board that was related by the activity. We have a creative cardboard clock which help us to point out the time and share the answers with the rest of the my partners. We have the opportunity to answer the questions and discuss it with the others. At the end of this class Miriam had an activity of Bingo, it was about to give the answer of who has the first drawing and the student who completes one line first would win.

It was nice to listen to them and I was agree being their students because I have been participated and I wish it can repeat with the other 2 groups. It was nice to work and participate with them.

Group 6

So this was my group and we start an intro about the topic "there is" and "there are" in Spanish so the students had ideas of the real use asking themselves questions about something that there was in the classroom. Then some of my partners expalined the topic that even add how to get a presentations and it was about the present, the past and future. We were able to engage and guide the students to have a neutral voice and were able to answer the clarify questions. We must only used the Grammar and we were gaving the examples of many practices, we suggested them to talk with the others and we clarify some words if it was singular, plural, past, present or future. At the end of the class I closed the class asking to them to what they had learn recently, so they must remembered from the current class what they feel easy and they talked about what they have seem arounf the classroom.

It was a pleasure work as a teacher, I feel excited having the rubric as a teacher and teach to the students all the sentences and verbs, I listened how they have been participated at the case we had an intervention, by the other way it was nice to have Rolando Carbajal in these class and have him as my student because I met him since he was a kid and he is my invited friend at the English class of Didactics and he is always welcomed, and most of my partners were agree having him as a student and if I mention him is because I asked to him something about the class and this presentation was unforgetable.

See you at the next and last class, it will be a pleasure being there. Goodbye. 

martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

Group 3 and Group 4.

Hello everybody, this is the blog where i am going to talk about what had teached the group 3 and 4.

Group 3

Joshua began with the recap of the simple structure and the students were able to remind and know again how they will use it and the right time to use it.

Then, Jonathan said that he was ill and he was talking like one teacher that was sick because he must say that, so Juanatan showed some pictures in a presentation of some vocabulary of some of the activities that we use to work and show to the other students how to learn. He showed the vocabulary about all the holidays and he explained many things about that because the use the simple present to discover their routines of any of those days what they have planned.

Then Brenda provided a worksheet to them where they had to answer some questions about the audio that they were listening and even though they had a technical problems that they solved and the students must answered with other options, and it was nice listening to her.

Then, Rodrigo made another activity similar to the previous one, it was the continuation of their routines on the holidays and they practice with a partner in pairs speaking in 30 seconds, so he did it great and it was very trusty how he guide to the students, so they made a lots of activities of what he made before with other partners.

At the end of the presentation, Joshua prepared a dynamic activity about memorizing to each person to repeat what they said in the other activities and they add other more to help them to learn more and memorize the structure of the first and third person.

Group 4.

They began to play the baby shark song to select volunteers and they asked them some questions like: What do you do at night ? what time do you wake up? etcetera.

They focussed a video about a girls routine was played and they stopped the video for check the vocabulary that was mentioned by the people of how they are expressing.

At the begining from this activity, they were suggested to answer a worksheet where they had a reading activity and they must analyze what they read and what they understood, so they gave the answers in the worksheet and since it was reading activity of what they foccused and they took and extra time to perform this activty and they completed successfully.

At the end of the class, they picked a paper that contained a routine of someone else and they read it loudly and they ended practicing their reading and pronuntiation skills and repeat it together.

It was a pleasure listening to this group too because they did it brilliant and both of group did it excellent so I suppose that we are going to work as a teacher in some of the seasons in the future and we are preparings to have that rubrics in the future.

Thats all for that class, I hope all of you will stay in the next one and I will teach in the next one because its my group and I will give other rubrics of how to teach each students, thanks a lot and see you in the next one.

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023

Group 1 & 2 from the second round of class.

 Hi everyone, welcome back again, this is the last period and we began the second round.

In this time we have listened the assigment to teach this week about the new Daily Routines. It is another opportunity to motivate the students to learn more and make the things better each time since they participate.

Group 1

This group began to make a Charade activity of how to support students to get an easy way leading a good environment with the class. They began about the Daily Routines with the vocabulary with Frecuency Adverbs followed by a practice on paper about the adverbs. Then, they involved the student interaction with the frecuency adverbs where they wrote the routines and the made a review about it.

It was nice listening to them and the acticties were undertood about all of us.

Group 2

After the break they started to defend, they talk about all the rubrics from the main method, it was about the simple present in the negative form of the sentences with some practices. They have play with the students one game that it was very interesting to me and it calls the attention a lot, its one program that it was sponsore to Willie Maldonado to 2010 since all the year 2014 and it had 4 seasons, the game was about "Who Wants To Be Millonarie", but it wasnt the same as we have seen some years ago in the channel 4, it had other rubrics, so it just have question of sentences and it was so much fun the game because the students did it well as a good aspirant and only one of then make mistakes. Each student who answered the correct questions won a chocolate coin, the activity was created by wardwall to have an excellent interactions with the students, they did it great, son the end of this class was about finishing the game and it was only focused in the grammar with many great ideas and it was the most relevant class that I have seen before since it was the first time that on of my invited friends participated there his first time.

Well the class was unforgetable and it was a pleasure to stay here and to received a friend who was his first time that he came as a student in didactics class, see you at the next one. It was brilliant.

I hope you will feel good listening my opinions of this class. Bye bye.

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2023

Last entry of the period 2- Group 7th & 8th

 Welcome back again, its a pleasure to me stay here again, so I have participated as a teacher this week, I was in the last group, so lets start talking with the group number 7 and lets end with the 8.

Group 7

In that moment they have been prepared as a teachers and started to teach the class of listening. Fernando began to explain the warm up activity where the students feel it was fun and they have learned too. Next, Mary explain about the numbers and practiced with Miriam an interactive activity where all the invited students have learned a new vocabulary, they said the sentences and some steps about the classroom objects. Nathaly and Dany were charged from delivered the listening activities, so Dany played the audio and the invited students wrote the numbers from the audio about itself in the case of Nathaly involved them some students activities and they reinforced their listening to details, finally Fernando close the presentation with a wrap-up where students were asking each other what they learned and they started to discussed.

Group 8

After the break time we started to talk about the reading. Maurice started to teached the warm-up activity where the students were practicing on it and they corrected the sentences in order. Then, they began to work with the grammar explanation of the negative form of a verb and eventually it was a quick practice. So, they needed to ask to students by students what they understand, so Keneth was charged to show other more examples and he gaves some points of view since they read an activity and they shared the answers.Well I ended with the wrap-up asking to the students how they felt about the class, what did they learned and what they understood, so finally I asked them to tell us what is all what they are looking around the classroom, so I feel proud of working as a teacher in my first time of the class and it was fantastic to me asking them what they learn and it was the most important part that I analized at the end of the debate. 

It was a pleasure to me working as a teacher and have all my energies to ask them how they feel, so see you on the next time, it could be brilliant, I hope you will like it. Thanks a lot and bye bye.

martes, 3 de octubre de 2023

Dr. Nelson López Rojas conference

 Hi, welcome back again, in this blog Im going to analice how I passed in the conference talked by Dr. Nelson López Rojas.

The last week we were in the celebration about The Translators and Interpreter, and I have seen many different activities that calls me the attention to do and teach to others how to work on it, so I was agree listening something new to know and this day Daniela and Nathaly where interpretating what the Dr Nelson was defending, but talking more details about that day, I ate a good snack and all it was right when Mr Nelson was foccusing the presentations about some kinds of translation and many of them I used to known it before.

Other topics that he talked were more interesting to know, he was explaining about the introduction of the lectures and when how it can be the plans to translate it, many students had participated and he gave us one piece of paper to write some questions, and I asked the difference about the literal translation with the natural translation since the others made other different questions related about the translation. He explained the process of all his greatest translations that he made, it was very interesting to me and I liked it beacuse I think I will work on a company where they can suggest me to do similar things of what he has done, surely it will be useful to me in every different activities about the translation and interpretation.

For example, Tales of Clay wrote it by Salarrué is the most known poem in El Salvador and it was characterized by many specific words, he told us how he translated it, he take it in English to translate it into a Standard Spanish, he decode all that the author meant with many different specific words.

It was a pleasure to me stay in Mr. Nelson´s conference, since other students where seing him by zoom, but I prefered staying there presential, it was very interesting to me because Mr Nelson was my teacher before, he teached me to work on quia when we do the quiz, he teached me to participate filming in many other programs like the vocaroo when we film our voice what opinions we are giving, he was my teacher in the subject name called North American History and I made one debate on zoom and I invited some friend and all was right, we talked about The Americans, The Quaker and many more things, also we commented in some youtube videos giving some opinions about what I could understand and what calls me the attention about the topic of the video, so thats all what I did with him and I consider that it was my favorite meaning where I stay present and surely many of the other students enjoy it too, we feel agree staying in this conference.

Finally, I used to go up the classroom to see the debates of the group 5 and 6, I listened the last part of that because we I approached to stay in the conference of the master Nelson Lopez, I took some pictures about that too but in this blog I just prefer focussing the conference because it was my favorite and its an homage of reminding that he was my teacher before and I feel nice being his student and I got excellents grades with him usually, I always considered him a good teacher and he grade as fair as it belongs.

Thats all for all, see you on the next one, it will be about my debate because in this week im going to defend and I have the faith that all be right, thanks. Goodbye.

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 6 - Period 2

 Hello everyone, in this blog im going to analice the presentaions about the groups 3 and 4.

This is the group number 3 and its the first of the class, they greeted and spelled all the verb to be in the affrimative form.

The class began about the group giving to the students a tag name and sign in all the attendance that can be usually for the class, so the class was introduced by them and they started to teach.

It was very fun how they participated, they started to play a game named as the "Hot Potato"
to Chayanne's Hot Potato game". It calls like that becuase when they played the game, they done it with Chayanne song named "Bullfighter"

They spelled al the vocal letters and pronounced how it reads, so its also near to read the lyrics in spanish for the tone that they used to pronounce the name of the alphabet.

My point of view about this class its that it was the best becuase I admire all the good class and we see how they teached and played, its beacuse they focus one of Chayanne songs on the Hot Potato game, so i feel agree with that because I consider that Chayanne its one of my favorites singer and I never forget listening his songs, but returning to the topic for that same reason I consider it was the best.

The Group number 4 talked about Greetings and spelling personal information focused on reading.

They made lessons and they feel complicated in the concentrations but the good way was that we could understand what is about, so they started with a dialogue from scratch for the class material and they started to use at the begining of the activity, so I suspect that the level was high and they did it great so theres any mistakes on the debates and sure they get little mistakes naturally and we feel agree about that.

Finally the invited students won some candies after they participated and there were a snack that they won, so in my group we will see which will be the gift to the invited student after their participations.

Well thats all for this blog and I will end saying that it was nice to listen all the games and presentations. See you on the next presentation.

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 5 - Period 2

 Hello everynone, welcome back again!

In this week I started to listen the firsts presentation about some conferences from didactics, they were preparing some debates for an expositions and they started to show on a screen the presentation with the aim and some examples of each activity and it seems very funny,there were many people who were invited to participate in the debate and I observed that they were intelligents like us and I feel it will be nice to take them in all the debate that which of us we are making for the presentation.

We have listened that the first topic was The Alphabet, this topic is basically for all the people that know English very well and feel easy to teach the other, it was brilliant for me listening this and I feel agree with them, it was a pleasure too.

The invited students were participating talking about the personal information, it was about the name, the age and hobbies. It was very fun listening to them beacuse they did it brilliant and all was good, only my friend was missing beacuse he couldnt arrive but the next debates will be maybe.

The second group did it brilliant too, the talk about the verb TO BE, I feel nice listening to them and thats gave me some ideas to still studying all the verbs that we need to practice and actually we dont disagree in anything, we all understood.

Well in this blog I forgot to take them pictures to all the debate but I will take it in the next one, see you soon.

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Period 2 - Feedback and group planning

 Hi there, well in this week i dont have so much to talk because we didnt have classes, but we discussed a few about the previous class and we organized the groups of 4 from distribuite the topics, so we order the groups from 4 students and others were organized of 5 students. We discuss about the real interesting things about the class, so in this day Mr Orlando gave us our feedback of each group to see our grades.

Im the group number 6 and I feel it will be nice to work with Josue and Victor, we are coordinating to defend one new and despite our odds and try to make agree our presentation and participation, for other way we are planning to take some friends who speak english to make a conference.

Finally we receive the grades, the teacher tell us a lot how we defend and we gave some points of view how we worked and he send us some mistakes that we made and I accept that not everything was write but I hope we prepare more and we are feeling better in each class that we have, here is the picture of what the Mr tell about Rodrigo and me.

Thats all for today, see you in the next blog.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023

PDP (Pre-During-Post)

 Hey, welcome back again

In this we we started to know about the PDP method, as all we know its just used for receptive skills. It helps ensure students to been motivated, engaged and active before, while and after. Some elements in the PDP are the passages that each students are using whatever is an audio or some reading text that they read.

The three stages are: Pre, During and Post.

For the Pre, the teacher can come up with an activity to introduce the topic. For example Mr Orlando told us about the Holistic Medicine passage, he gave us related to the Holistic Medicine passage mentioning it like an aromatherapy as an activity suring that it can be right. There are two reasons:Activate the shermata, it means that most of the students must be on the same page and also studying the key vocabulary for teaching and practicing. Any student musnt been helped with the practice without noticing.

For the During, the students are working individually, but sometimes they are in pairs and they share all the class any questions that the teacher is asking to them, the important is learning more working on our own and socialize the answers of each questions. The next step is that the students are going to give the answers of all the questions and they are going to analice and give more details of what the understand since they were reading, finally they will read it more and more since they feel its possible.

 For the Post, its extra everything that happens in this stage, its after we fulfilled the lesson of the During that was previous stage, in this stage the students can organice what to say what they have learn and they will wrap up what just they feel important to learn.

This is what he was showing to us, its all about the Holistic Medicine

The last week the teacher show us a whole new lesson plan like and example of one imaginary class and he did it naturally with a few time, it just was some ideas of each activity that we can do it hard and also making some materials at the same time starting with zero and asking interesting questions that were related to the Holistic Medicine passage and I am agree in all those activities and the aims are interesting to defend them.

Well thats all about this, see you next time, bye Mr.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

Grammar and vocabulary classes

 Hello, welcome back again this was the last class that we receive of the 1rst Period, so the time went quickly and now we are in the second period, but in this blog im going to talk about the lesson planning about how we can teach in English.

1. Hospital Vocabulary:

They have teached about medical vocabulary, I feel agree listen that topic beacuse I found only 2 words that I coudn't remind the meaning so it was my oportunity to see the answers, learned many phrasal verb, and all of them have many different meanings about illness. So I answered how I remind them and I accert all the answers.

2. Grammar: Third Conditional

Well this is my group and we explained them something about the Third Conditional, I made the closing but it was a pleasure being part of explaining this topic, it was about some changes of every different situations, here are some structures:

So its the ability to give expression about hypothetical situations in the past and their outcomes. We know that allow us to explore alternative possibilities and reflect on the consequences of different actions or choices, it used to express the past consequences of some situations that happened in the pass. For example: If they practice more they are going to get prepare and work very good and harder and get a good grade.

This topic will be recomend to practice every time that will be neccesary becuase it can be avoid to have difficulties if somebody ask that, we answer with many difficulties.

3. Cooking Vocabulary

This was the best topic that I listened about because its about food and Im interesting talking about eating healthy and other more details about the food, I enjoy cooking too. So we listened that they said the Culinary is about the field of cooking and preparing the food, the following goals to cook are the next terms like ingredients, cooking techniques, tools, flavors and more. Its helping to understand recipes, following instructions and all the culinary concepts with others. So it was a pleasure listen to them talking about the food and thats another point of view to take it like a good idea to talk and maybe it will be interesting talking about the healthy diet too.

4. Second Conditional:

Well, this was the last group and they did a brilliant techinique and amazing job teaching grammar, so we understand that the second conditional is used for imagination, impossible or unrealistic situations. It is formed with the structure "If + simple past, would + based form verb". For example, "If I won the lottery, I would be excited and I will celebrated with my siblings". It allows to imagine different outcomes and many possibilities in which is based on the unlikely conditions.

Those are the examples of the verbs.

They were making the sentences.

The last activity was a consequency chain of using second conditional and finally we end the sentence with the first clause the previous student said. The best part of that class was that all we receive as a gift the chocolate candy called Nucita as thanking about how we were participating.

I enjoyed all this classes and my goal is lerning more for being better, thanks a lot and see you the next class.

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2023

Presentation - Practice - Production (PPP)

Hello, in this time im going to talk about the PPP. I will made explization to each one.

PPP is a paradigm or model used to describe typical stages of a presentation of new language. It means presentation, production and practice. The practice stage aims to provide opportunities for learners to use the target structure.

Presentation: Its about when the teacher explains the language point and what kind of topic it could be, and the teacher gives the answer from each doubts that each students has.

Practice: Its when the teacher interacts with the students, then the students start to practice in all the foccused exercises and that are the ideas to got a recomendation to the students to get an interaction from 2 types of practicing, so if its a homework, you can repeat it again after graded and you can get fun putting other more different exercises to know and learn more to teach the others.

Production: The students will show what they have use in their own output and they are going to get some points. The most important thing is you explain the student some sentences and correct the wrong point of mistakes that many of them can have been concreted, its about choosing some topics and practice on time all the most important.

Finally, if we talk some topics and the activities are short, we cannot pass the 5 minutes, but 3 minutes it can be the minimun that you can speak, but the time will be neccesary just in case the student will ready and wants to talk about his/her point of view of what was the topic and you can stimulate the learning process of them, it depends how they are agree.

I will try my best to still practicing and take account the rest of the other topics of this subject, thats all for this aim.

See you the next class and dont lose to see the next one. Bye

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023

Flexibility in Lesson Plannig


Hello everyone, welcome back, today I will give some points of view of what we have seen these weeks in didactics.


We have had different activities to carry out and we also corresponded to 2 interviews that gave us all an increase in knowledge of the career and had a lot to do with the interpretation because in the part that we helped Miss Brendaly to finish the thesis we also did a reading in English First we read it and at the end we interpreted it into Spanish and the student who accompanied her recorded the reading translation as we did and for us it was an honor to have collaborated in this activity and it will help us to be great professionals after finishing the degree .and also be great performers. We redid a translation that had already been worked on previously, but it was a need that we had to help those who were doing a test, it is something that has some difficulties to fight, but the important thing is to be able to finish the interpretation in record time.


A class later we attended another student and it is Regina, she was defending some advantages and disadvantages of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. He explained some differences in how they worked, one of them that I found most interesting is that in a row you take notes, listen to the video for several seconds and pause to form the sentence and be able to give a point of view in a natural way, that the ideas be coherent and not omit enough words, in the case of simultaneous audio or video do not pause, it is to interpret it with everything and the audio or sound and it is not about stopping or pausing to interpret because it is from another technology. Regina also gave us a presentation that dealt with the social services of translators and interpreters, it is the most common and the most convenient to take advantage of the opportunity to have a professional translator to give us tips and some tricks on how to start a presentation and It is something that I do take into account since we are about to graduate and it will be useful to all of us as well since my graduation would not take place until December 2024.


Then we had 1 hour of class and in that short time that we had her we learned some magical moments and unforeseen problems of how a teacher would experience in the classroom and how she could plan her lesson to all the students. We all learned that there is a need for there to be objectives for each and every one of the lessons with the greatest importance being able to have productive skills and although it was felt that not much to do with the subject but it serves us as something thoughtful.


And the last activity that we went to do was to see some English conferences at ESEN, everything was incredible, they were talks about everything related to interpretation, I agreed because everything looked interesting because all those conferences had a lot to do with it. with the subject of didactics and there were other students and other teachers from different sides and we did some small surveys answering how we thought the talks and although we were very few like 8 people at the evangelical university as students and Mr. Orlando accompanied us, all of us we won a good certificate at the end and we were very happy to have reciprocated this activity.


Thank you for your attention and for reading the entire analysis. Let's not miss the next classes.

viernes, 28 de julio de 2023

All activities in the classroom.

 Hello, welcome back again

In this class of Didactics we have been doing some recaps on the lesson planning like a continuation of all we have seen in the previous class, theres something very creative and interesting to know, the lic Orlando gave showing us some examples of some activities of each group with many different students in the measure time, all those examples were used to know it before, we have seen some of them in Didactic.

The most important thing is that every teacher who know the sutdents call the students by their names, thats one of the most motivated things that they are feeling good because they are feeling that they dont forget there names and thats somethinn good because they are feeling agree with that in the case they are glad with the students, that is the way to get know each other and had an emphaty with them.

I have another thing to talk about this class, the teacher was showing a tag like an example of how the things are being different in each practices, he was talking about how we are feeling in each practices, he was talking about many experiences from this, he explained us about the learning objective, he told of many ways on every class instructional time that can seem overwhelming, especially to first time when the teachers are teaching. Now we know that a learning objective is a brief of one thing in which the students will take away from a days lesson, we know them like learning some goals setting some sillabus at starting the semester, are more specific, concrete and active. Now im going to explain something about S.M.A.R.T. Is acronym often associated with productive goal-setting in general. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time-bound, finding these criteria immensely helpful in crafting good learning objectives. That are some examples that the teacher Orlando shown us in the class.

These is the images of each meaning of SMART, so that is one of the things that i listened too, I think it was interesting to learn and show other that like the aim. As college instructors, we get precious little face-to-face instructional time with our students, so it’s important that we structure the time we have effectively. S.M.A.R.T. learning objectives can help us to do that, and in a way that isn’t overwhelming or overly time consuming.

The two objectives about SMART are:

1. By the end of class students will be able to analyze philosophical texts well.

2. By the end of class, students will be able to isolate Singer's “Obligatory Giving” argument and distinguish its major premises, and give one reason why they agree or disagree with each premise.

Another important point that I fell that was important its about the rules and values, the teacher Orlando was talking us about the values and tecnologies that the teachers had when the students missbehave, he told us that now the time changed and theres a lot of protections of many children and teenager (the once that doesnt have 18 years old yet) they must change the privilage to correct the students, he mention that in this time the teachers cant leave the student without recess anymore, they cant force them to make hundred of plans how they had to behave when they make mistakes or any kinds of faults, they cant punish them to see the way or putting a donkey ears anymore and they cant not punish them to stay in the college in all the afternoon because now all these acts are abuse to them and the laws are protecting to all of them and since all that rules that it gaves they cant do that anymore.

And finally the most important thing that I listem to him was about an activities that we are going to do on friday 11th and saturday 12th. Are about different goals that we must follow and the most important thing its to assist to be present, I will like it and that activity will help us to be an excellent professionals and working better every goal and citations in which we are presenting each time.

Well thats all for that class and see you the next class, I hope we are doing better and I will be agree of the activities that are coming after the vacation, happy vacation, goodbye.

lunes, 24 de julio de 2023

Lesson planning


Hello everyone, lets talk about a little bit about lesson planning.

Well, there are many interesting points about carring out lesson planning, its depends about the duration of the class, the activities that are effective for that and all the aids that we can use, whether your lesson plans are detailed multi-page documents submitted to your administration each week, or they´re mostly post-it notes with concise bullet points, effective lesson planning requires strategies and intents. Great lessons need cleer direction, purpose, pacing and solid pedagogy, so we cant forget the goals of each topic that we practice before to defend it, so we must get some instruction how to start to work on that.

I prefer teaching methods presentially, beacuse its something board working online, so I thing that presential the students will feel happy and agree about that and they are feeling that has a lot of energies

We are able to teach the other people that they dont know but they are interesting to learn an interprete other languages about the topics, so its no so difficult to teach them, we must following the steps how to do it, we can talk about the goals that we follow from giving some ideas from other who are the next ones to following the same goals that I have fulfilled before.

The most effective way to plan a route for a journey, is to start with knowing where you are trying to get to, right? Instruction is most effective when you, and your students, have a firm idea of the goal. When they know what they are working towards, the lesson is far more purposeful. Your goal should be able to be expressed in a single sentence or two: the more focused it is, the easier it is for students to digest and understand. I even suggest writing this on the board at the start of the lesson, for students to be able to see and reference

One of the examples of the goals is that the students are going to understand the impact of varying sentence patterns in term of creating tone, and the other idea can be that they will be ablue to back up their ideas with appropiate textual evidence. Well it will be easily having a teaching methods to support some students that they like those topics and it can be useful to get a good presentation.

The ICQ and the CCQ are the solutions from any difficulties. An ICQ is an instruction checking question while a CCQ is concept checking question. ICQs are used to check understanding of instructions while CCQ’s are used to check understanding of language concepts.


Well here are the images about that and thats all that can be a great idea, Thanks a lot.

lunes, 17 de julio de 2023

Blog 1 period 1 of Didactic ll

 Hello, welcome back again, i understand that learning this will help us to been excellent and to help others that they cant but they are interesting to know about that, so its about our dream to be a professional.

At the first class of didactic ll, the lic. Orlando gave us some evaluation to do it but our own, so it doesnt be evaluated because there are topics that we worked on the previous cycle, so it was of didactic l, so we just making it alone for taking the proove how we are intelligent and which experiences we are having from all the next periods.

But other thing that I can tell is that im happy because this is the last cycle of my career and I will finish all what I have done in all those years in the university, so I have another relevant thing to say is that Mr Orlando told us to invite a friend that know english but not an advanced english, so im agree with that and it can be a nice work beacuse it has a great emotion and its other thing that its interesting and we are going to do many different other works too.

This was the evaluation and i didnt finished but we are defending all the exercises with the lic. Orlando, we listen to him that we will have works on group and that evaluation will be a good step to follow and maybe taking accont all the previous topics, so I just recomend to been prepare a lot and we will get good grades in all these works that we are going to do.

Well thats all for this class, see you the next one and it is nice working here. Goodbye


viernes, 2 de junio de 2023



What Is Didactic Teaching? (Plus How It's Different From Pedagogy) |

Welcome to the last entry of english didactics 1

Well as all we know that is the last activity that we made is demonstrations, it was about showing some examples or you are ilustrating of what are you talking about, here are some images of all the presentations and i will analice with my words each topic.

Here are some images that im goint to present, this are all the demonstration that began the last class and here im presenting the first listening group.

1. Listening

This group worked in two activities, the first one was a listening test. They shared us a listening test, it was a 1 minute audio while listening and answers the questions. They played Twenty One Pilots song and they scrambled the lyrics of that song that we have been listened putting the in the correct order as soon as we pay attention. When the activities include the music, thats my favorite because I feel relaxed and I get very excited to hear what the music said.


2. Speaking

This activity was very fun, we did a Spelling Bee and thats remind me when I play to spell words when I was a children since I was studying in the college. Some words are easily to spell since others are very difficult and very complicate and it has the easiest way to spell a wrong letter that its part of making mistakes. Mr Olrlando suggested us to create a story of how to approach to be ready to defend something that we like to do, we must to kept going when the other were stopped, so this is very interesting because you get a lot of emotions when you are participating, so this is not to be afraid and lets take account when the teachers encourage to introvert students since we developed the speaking skills.

These are the examples of the games that they are playing.
3. Reading

This was my group, and we prepared a reading about cyber security, I was passing the pages of that activities to my partners, some questions are to answering True or False and we ended searching the words that are related to the reading. I handed an alphabeth soup to some groups and thats was very easy to share and work hard too. This aim was definitely about students with advenced level I know that not all of them like reading, so we must take always importance to include many Reading Skills to develop them easily. We feel very cool participating here and we shared them these reading for been better.

Everybody was feeling interesting on the reading, that is a good example to follow.

This is what I handed to my partners, i will never forget because it was very interesting working with this, the alphabet soup help the students to have a fresh mind.

4. Writing.

This group had wrote an invitation letter, the made a formal letter and they give some parts that they had explained before. The teacher mentioned this activity in the class and he gave us and idea to how to provide an outline and an essay, a movie review an e-mail or a letter, this activity was about following an specific format, writing its very supported to have an easiest way to write fast or quickly, so I really understand that they considered that its their favorite topic.

5. Listening

This group handed some copies to each of us to read since they are playing the song Dark Horse from Katy Perry, it was specifically the rap verse. So we added some words that we have listened in the song, the only mistake was that we are confusing some words but the group take off our doubts and they were showing all the words on the board, the total was about 13 words and there were a few that werent mentioned.

The other activity that they made was about the Telephone game, and we enjoyed that game and I know that many kids like them too, the game was about the first person reading a sentence and they must whisper from the next person. The total was of 10 people in each group and the longest group got twisted. So this game means that Im agree with all and the teacher was feeling good and was agree that the students must get so much fun while they learn more, so anybody weren't disagree so it was a pleasure playing this game becuase we got a great emotion, so they made an excellent job and thats some of the things that i will never going to forget.

6. Speaking

These group made questions about the "Controversial" topics and some of them answered there questions and discuss with them, all this group were using a purple light shirt and that means that they had a good presentation, so I just listened the opinion of the other classmates and all was very ineteresting what they said.

7. Reading.

This is one of the best groups that worked very hard and I feel agree when the first reading that they shared was very easy to understand or comprenhend, and the second reading had more compex vocabulary, both levels were included. Many people answered question after the reading because they had many doubts, and they prepared a game with many choice questions that were related to the reading and both readings were interesting so I agree with both of them, but my favorite was about the Great Summer Vacation.

8. Writing.

This was the last group, they prepared two different activities too, both I liked, they just gave us an indication to start to write a letter, i didnt have the photos but I have my opinion to say that there were a healthy game and its just to put our name. They provide some categories about the nickname and animals, so it was about creating a story, thats all that a just know about the last group, the they show an excellent category.

Well thats all for this topic and now Im going to say with my words that it was nice to be here sharing with you and all the aims were interesting knowing about them and we can learn more to make the things better, lets always practice them beacuse we must try to do the best of all those activities, we can give an example to others and the others feel them easily to follow our examples of overpass all that we have, it was unforgetable all what we have seen in the last period and last topic of didactic 1, so i always have recomended to keep practicing a lot in my free times in the case that im feeling board for working my mind too, we can practice al lot and get ready for the English Didactics 2, they are coming other topics too, so lets get ready and dont forget to learn to speak, read, write and listening, does 4 stepts were the most interesting exercises to practice them because we can show that we are trying to be a good workers in our future and in our future company that will be an example to follow and it can be useful to have excellent ideas, so thanks .

See you soon Mr, enjoy your vacations and I will back the next month. Thank you, goodbye.